About Kati
I am a watercolor landscape painter based in Burlington, Vermont. My absolute favorite thing to do is hike up a mountain and make a painting, but I also love to ski, bake, and pet my two cats. I’ve been making art ever since I can remember. My grandmother was a talented watercolor painter, and her garage was my first studio and gallery. I studied art at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, and earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree there. I started my business, Watercolor Wanderer, after hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2014, and have been making art ever since.
About my art
My favorite way to paint is “en plein air”, which is French for outdoors. I’ll take my art kit, hike to somewhere beautiful, and make a colorful, bold watercolor painting. Sometimes I finish it on site, sometimes I take it back to my Burlington studio (aka half of my living room) and finish it there. My art is very place-based, as I’m inspired by what is currently around me. Lucky for me, I live in one of the prettiest places in the world, and I love being able to share that beauty with others through my art.

What I offer
I love making plein air paintings featuring the beauty of nature. I turn those artworks into prints, stickers, cards, and a yearly wall calendar, all of which are available at a variety of art markets, craft fairs, galleries, stores, and my online shop. I also enjoy working with clients to create the perfect custom painting of their dreams! Do you want to make your own art? I can help with that too! Join a watercolor workshop and paint along with me, no art experience required.